Month: December 2022

Summer house: Kick start

I have made my own dream summer house! It has 3 storeys and is made out of nature matirials . I have made mine out of pollen and lavender coloured petals. It is sfe for the enviroment but its still fun and while your having fun you knoew that the bees and other insects re having a great time with the pollen and nature. In fact because the house is so kind to the animals the animals are kind and don’t get in the humans way! And here it is!! My dream summer house!!!


Summer Learning journey Trick shot: Kick start!

Hi this is the link to me doing my trick shot challenge. I chose to do the one with the paper towel roll. I didn’t have anything to put it on so I chose to use a stick some stones and a bucket. At first I missed it by a long way but by practicing and practicing and even changing the agles and lengths of everything I finally got it in! I was so proud of myself because I never knew I could even do that but with some work I did it! So what I learn’t was if I comit or put my mind to do something I can do it and persevere!!!!! Then at the end of it be PROUD!!!!

Teaser for the Summer learning journey!

This is one of the teasers from the Summer Learning Journey. You have to choose which colouring book you want to colour online and choose which art you would like to colour in. I chose to do one called Building of ships in the coulouring book Ramadan and Eid. The creator of the painting is named Ibrahim Ismail. He made it in a place called Kuwait. I tried to make it look as similar as the real painting with only the colours I had and this is how it turned out!