Category: Ako | Learn

Fire Trucks Through the Years

On Tuesday we had to do some research about firemen or fire trucks. I chose to do fire trucks and we had to draw them through the years I did mine on a Google drawing. We also had to put some facts around. I liked this task because it was nice and relaxing and actually didn’t take long to do. The thing I found hard was drawing the trucks with shapes and tools without importing any images.

Dawn Raids

In class we learned about the dawn raids. We had to make a slide from questions from reading comprehension and decorate it well. My favourite thing about doing this was decorating it because it was a really fun thing to do.  What I didn’t like about this was writing  was writing all the information down. Here is mine.


In class at the start of the week we finished learning about the Polynesian Panther Party and actavist group in NZ. And we got onto segregation. We were learing about the affect MLK had on racism and injustice. He unfortunatley got assasinsted by James Earl Ray and passed away but we all still remeber his amazing speech ‘ I have a dream’. Here is some information about him in a poster I made.