Last week we had to put on our blogs two of our Kensuke’s Kingdom reading tasks. Kensuke’s Kingdom is by Michael Morpurgo. One of my tasks was doing a book trailer with some kind help from Chantelle who was Michael’s Mum and also played a second role in our trailer as Kensuke. I also had Tharika in the Book Trailer she was the camera person, director and narrtor. I was the script writer and editor and I also played a role in the trailer as Michael. What I found easy was when we were filming it and what I found hard was the time we had to do it and editing it. We had filmed it the day before it needed to be due the next day so after a lot of hard work editing after and before school the next day it finally got finished. What I would like to work on for next time is getting the filming done quicker by not laughing and have to retake that scene as much. Here is my work!