Year: 2024

Dawn Raids

In class we learned about the dawn raids. We had to make a slide from questions from reading comprehension and decorate it well. My favourite thing about doing this was decorating it because it was a really fun thing to do.  What I didn’t like about this was writing  was writing all the information down. Here is mine.


In class at the start of the week we finished learning about the Polynesian Panther Party and actavist group in NZ. And we got onto segregation. We were learing about the affect MLK had on racism and injustice. He unfortunatley got assasinsted by James Earl Ray and passed away but we all still remeber his amazing speech ‘ I have a dream’. Here is some information about him in a poster I made.


Diamante Poem

At the start of the week my class and I had to make a Diamante poem. This is a poem in the shape of a diamond. You have seven lines and two subjects at the top and bottom. What I fund hard when doing this was thinking of adjectives for each subject. What I liked about this was that it was easy to come up with two subjects. What I would like to work on for next time would be thinking of better words for words like nice before marking.

Here is my work.



Stephanie’s Bio Poem!

Yesterday we got taught how to write a bio poem. It was really fun, easy and enjoyable. What I foundhard was making it look good because it was hard to think of colours that go together well. What I found easier was writing it because I absolutely just love writing. I loved doig this peice of writing because it was just generally fun. Here is my Bio Poem.